The Wizard of Wisdom

Wizard of Wisdom Prompts

You’ll notice that every Level Up Check-In page has a Wizard of Wisdom prompt there for you to read and respond to. The purpose of these prompts is to help you develop longer-term insights into your life, further refine your identity, and instill some important self-help principles.

The Wizard of Wisdom Prompts will ask you to focus on an aspect of life including health, wealth, and relationships. Each prompt is a simple but powerful tool that you can immediately implement, but it's not enough to simply answer a question once and then forget about it forever—consistency is key. 

That’s why during each Level Up Check-in a new Wizard of Wisdom prompt will be waiting for you. Take a few moments to think about a response, consider what led you to your answer, if at any point in your life the answer might have been different, and what you think would cause the answer to change in the future. 

Specificity is important here. Your answers should not be vague. If you asked about your future goals, and respond with an answer like, “be happy” or “become rich,” then consider spending some time digging into exactly what that means.  The deeper you look into your responses to these prompts the more you will learn about yourself. 

Remember, just a few minutes with these prompts can have a lasting effect on your life so do your best to answer them as truthfully as possible. As Aristotle put it, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”